The Spells are a part of the Knowledge of the Battlemages. But anyone who ever wanted to know anything about the Knowledge, had to show Wisdom first. For Knowledge without Wisdom, is Knowledge without control and is a potential for evil.
Every Spell is like a living being. And you should treat it as such. Every Spell uses Powers. Yours and that of your environment, and you should be aware of this. For every spell cast is a great challenge to your environment, but an even greater to You.
Bond of Brotherhood Where are the frontiers of your mind? Are there any frontiers at all ? (Especially among brothers.) Oh, that's so artificial and arbitrary. Think about it...
Blue Disc
This is the very typical direct battle spell of the BattleMages. Effective and intelligent.You are not going to see anyone or anything else using this spell. For this spell requires more that just a spellcaster's skills; it requires a state of mind of a BattleMage.
Greeting of Brothers So simple. So common. But so much important. Many things rise and fall with this little ritual.
Lightning Shield Just imagine a talented (and not wise) being coming up front of you and casting that stupid brutal force spell: lightning (or lightning bolt). It would not sound good, that a BattleMage was ever overtaken through so stupid and direct way. And a number of old books would have to be rewritten! For this we'd better turn on the lightning shield...
Detect Mind Hmm. This detects any mind. Keeps you informed about the battlefield. And information edge is critical to successful strategy. It is a mental spell. A very deeply mental spell. Sorcerers are not catching up... Just another good example of where battle and mage combined mean.