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Battle Mage

Myth and secrecy surrounds the existence, wherebeing and character of the Battlemages. Some say they are warriors, others say that they are sorcerers, still others say they are individuals without having much in common. Some question their very existence. Still others believe they are daemons.

You must understand I cannot reveal the whole truth. But what I am going to tell you now, should shed some light on the issue. I am not going to deal with the many accusations, partly because they have arisen from fear, lack of understanding, or outright stupidity; partly because all beings should be judged according to their deeds, not haphazard fantasies some keep in their minds. Becasue they are The Failed. Failed on the Quest of Seeking the Truth.

Who are we? Well, we are a brotherhood. The Brotherhood of BattleMages. Our ways and values keep us together. And,...something more,.... but that should not be revealed.

The Borthers stand to each other. Respect for different Ways is a Blessing, that makes us richer. There are fractions in our brotherhood, such as:

  • (the fraction of) The Blade,
  • Silver Scorpio, and
  • The Guardians

    The Blade believes most in the Cleanness of the Cut.
    Silver Scorpio ... you really do not want to hear about Silver Scorpio.
    The Guardians keep The Heritage as noone else.

    Allow me to introduce briefly some of the brothers:

    Called The Truthseeker. And also Fio, by my friends. I am said to come from one of the last elven villages in the north-west of The Kingdom of Shandaria, namely Alumä, Fairith or Alethe, nearby the forest of Erith-Läthe. It's a long story I'll tell you later.

    The Seeker and Keeper of the Good. He declared himself openly to be a BattleMage. His sudden and cruel death has shaken the trust of BattleMages in peaceful ways. With him has gone The Patience.

    van Dyke
    The Lord Scorpio; son of Oreg, what he discovered only after his father's death. Among the BattleMages renown for his indirect ways. Very unpleasant to his enemies.

    Thomas de Wals
    The Arch Mage. A leader character. Member of The Blade.

    Our Relationships and Contacts
    Our relationships are at least as much important as The Brotherhood itself. The Brotherhood itself can be a disastrous war machine, but we prefer indirect ways. There are relationships and it entails intricacies. Let me name just a few examples of these contacts:

  • Raven, The Black Paladin

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